Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
The Club EDI Champion quarterly meetings were to be for those people that had registered as their Club EDI Champion. We are now going to open these meetings/training to representatives from the clubs, to ensure we are being inclusive!
We would like clubs to register at least one person to attend the first quarterly meeting being hosted by the Dorset Cricket Board of Directors EDI lead, Patricia Price.
Message from Patricia Price, Dorset Cricket Board of Directors for EDI:
I hope your week has been a good one, rain or shine. As the date for our next EDI event draws closer, 8th August 2024, do bear in mind the importance and the impact of understanding, when it comes to all things Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. If you are at all unsure of what they really mean, or how they can best be applied off paper and in the real world, then I look forward to unravelling that with you. I request that a representative from each club that does not have an EDI Champion attends, giving you a chance to be introduced to our current EDI Champions and also me.
This will be the first meeting/training in a series of meetings over the next year supporting clubs to better understand EDI, how it relates to them and their individual circumstances, and the benefits to the club both in the short and long term.
Club EDI Meeting
Thursday 8th August 2024
7pm to 9pm
Blandford CC, Blandford Recreation Ground, Park Road, Blandford, DT11 7BX
Registration deadline 9am on Tues 6th August.
Club EDI Champion
If clubs have identified a Club EDI Champion then they can register themselves for the role by CLICKING HERE
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.